Would you like to audition for the 2025-26 BTWHS Band Color Guard? Here’s everything you need to know:
WHEN: April 7-11 5-7pm
All students must attend the full two hour camp every day! If you need to change clothes, please arrive early so you’ll be fully dressed and ready to participate by 5pm. Keep reading for what do bring and what to wear!
WHERE: BTWHS Band room
We will begin every day of audition camp in the BTWHS Band room, but will spend time working outdoors as frequently as possible. The band room is on the north side of the BTWHS campus and can be accessed from the student parking lot entrance:

If you plan to park during auditions, please avoid parking in any space marked for a specific teacher/subject. Many of the teachers with spots reserved behind the auditorium are 10-month or year-round teachers and will be in and out 7 days a week and at all hours!
Any student that will be attending BTWHS in the 25-26 school year. No flag or dance experience required, but it is appreciated! All students must have AT LEAST a 2.0 GPA to participate. Students must be willing to learn new things, willing to practice, and strive to be a little bit better every day.
Every day of audition camp, students should arrive wearing dress code-approved athletic-style clothing, including athletic shoes and socks (you may do some stretching and body work without shoes – PLEASE wear socks). All tops should be white and all bottoms should be black. **Returning students trying out for student leadership positions may be asked to wear something different!**
Do not wear:
- large earrings, especially hoops! This is a very painful lesson to learn, so we recommend you avoid it entirely.
- long nails – this is also a painful lesson to learn. Keep them short!
- Crocs – you will fall/slip
- jeans – you need to be able to stretch and dance freely
Every day, every student should bring an insulated, refillable water jug labeled with their name, and they should use it liberally!
On Monday, April 7th, all students should bring a (refundable) $75 deposit on their 2025-26 band fees. After results are posted, any student that is not selected for the team should make arrangements with directors/coach to pick up their deposit! All students that make the team will have that money applied to their fees for the 2025-26 school year.
Selections for the 2025-26 team will be made based on rubric scores. Criteria scored includes (but is not limited to) the following information
- The student will attend two hours every day for 5 days.
- The student has at least a 2.0 GPA.
- The student paid their $75 fee deposit on Monday, 4/07.
- The student dresses appropriately every day.
- The student brings/uses their water jug.
- The student follows instructions.
- The student receives positive teacher recommendations.
- The student shows a willingness to learn/try new things.
- The student practices the skills learned at auditions.
Teacher Recommendations
Students will receive an email (to the address they provide in their online registration form – please make sure this info is correct when you provide it!) the morning after their first day of auditions that will include two links:
- A link to an online recommendation form that the student must provide to all their current teachers. We recommend a politely worded email to each teacher, asking them to take a moment to fill out the form on your behalf.
- Students with no recommendations, too few recommendations, or too many negative comments will not be selected for the team.
- All comments/recommendations made by teachers will remain private between directors, coaches, and teachers.
- A link to an online spreadsheet where you can monitor how many of your teachers have submitted a recommendation/comments on your behalf.
- It is the student’s responsibility to monitor this – not the band director or coach’s responsibility.
A team roster will be posted on the band room doors, on our website, and emailed out to all students that auditioned by Friday, April 18.
All students in BTWHS Auxiliary are expected to enroll in Eurhythmics class, which usually falls 2nd period. Schedule conflicts do happen, and we will do our best to work with Guidance to make it work for you! If your schedule does not permit you to attend class, you will still be expected to keep up with all work covered in class!
Being a member of the BTWHS Auxiliary includes a LOT of practice time outside of class. During marching season all auxiliary students are required to attend marching band rehearsals on Tues, Wed, and Thurs after school, s well as Auxiliary-only sectionals on Monday afternoons. Attendance directly affects student participation grades. Football games and marching competitions are also required attendance.
Parents/guardians: we need YOU, as well! This organization relies heavily on grown-up volunteers. We need volunteers for our Booster Board, we need chaperones at events, we need folks to volunteer in the concession stand at football games, we need folks to help organize flags/uniforms, etc. Please help us keep this program running!
Being a member of the BTWHS Auxiliary comes with a lot of expenses: coaching, uniforms, equipment, flags, etc. Every student in the BTWHS Band program is assigned annual fees to cover expenses, and auxiliary students are no different. Auxiliary students can expect to pay between $600-$900 per year, which is definitely not a small amount. We do offer fundraisers and some discounts over the course of the school year to help offset these expenses. We invite all parents & students to attend our monthly Booster meetings to monitor how their money is spent!