Money for your fees!
Students/parents will sell car wash tickets in advance for $5. 100% of money raised through ticket sales will go into that student’s Charms ledger!
Money for the booster general fund!
All money raised from donations the day of the car wash will be entered into the boosters’ general fund to help keep band fees lower for everyone next year.
Order tickets: No paper forms this time! All orders should be placed online using this form: https://bit.ly/2307carwash The order form will close at 5pm on 7/20. No preorders will be taken after that time! If you miss the pre-order window you’re invited to drive up and pay for the car wash at the gate.
Payment: Customers may pay students with cash or pay BTWHS Band Boosters directly via CashApp at $btwhsband.
Redeem ticket: Present the ticket at the gate of the BTWHS bus ramp between 8:30-11:30am on Saturday, 7/29 for a car wash. The bus ramp is located across the street from Sam’s Club and behind the McDonald’s on Airport Blvd.
Monitor ticket sales: You can check this spreadsheet in our Google Drive to see how many tickets have been ordered using your name: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PKCVF8PPt3sz9WKVR1Ksvbv5R3icvZiCxwfwLqUDvOg/edit?usp=sharing It is in our Google Drive so students will not be able to access it if they are logged into their district account. It should be accessible for anyone else. I will update it daily once ticket orders start coming in.
Take advantage of this fundraiser! Parents and students, please use the attached image on social media to encourage folks to buy a ticket! Text the image to folks. Parents can ask at work, students can ask at church; you can show the image on your phone so they can scan the QR code to place an order.
Turn in money, pick up tickets: Students will turn any cash in to the band office and will be given their tickets and an order form with all their customers listed. It is the student’s responsibility to deliver car wash tickets to customers! The online order form will close at 5pm on 7/20. The last day to turn in cash and collect tickets is the July booster meeting: July 20 @ 6pm. You can pick up tickets & order forms in the bandroom on the following days/times:
- Thursday, July 13 4-7pm
- Thursday, July 20 6-7pm
Deliver tickets to your customers: Please remember to deliver tickets. Use the order form you’ll receive at ticket pick-up to make sure each of your customers get the right number of tickets.
We need student and parent volunteers! We actually had a great time at the last one – you should definitely come out! Please sign up here if you can help us out: https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/volunteerR.asp?s=BTWashHSB&v=5751825
ADULTS: adults will take donations, supervise car washers, make sure car washers and sign-holders swap out fairly, and run a drink/snack table for customers. Please bring an insulated, refillable water jug.
STUDENTS: students will take turns washing cars and standing out on the sidewalks at College/Airport to drum up customers. All students *will* wash cars. Please wear school-appropriate and car wash-appropriate clothing. No bathing suits. No expensive shoes that can’t get wet. Please bring an insulated, refillable water jug.
- 8AM: Volunteers report and set up on the bus ramp
- 8:30AM: Car wash opens
- meanwhile: students will swap out washing cars and drumming up business at the intersection of College/Airport
- 11:30AM: car wash closes, clean up
- 12PM: students dismissed
All volunteers will earn 5 volunteer hours!
We’re looking for a few things to make working out in the heat a little easier on our volunteers! Can you help? Check out the items we’re looking for on the volunteer sign up form here (starts with “DONATION” – you can’t miss it!): https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/volunteerR.asp?s=BTWashHSB&v=5751825
If you can toss a few items our way, please drop them off at the band booster meeting Thursday, 7/20 between 6-7pm. Thank you for whatever help you can offer!