What sort of volunteer positions are there?
Parents are as much a member of the band family as their students because we can not get the band to the home stadium for a game (much less an away game) without a small army of adult volunteers. Over the course of the year we need folks to:
- chaperone football games at home
- chaperone football games at away games
- stand by as a medical chaperone (band-aids, tweezers, OTC meds as allowed)
- work the equipment crew at games
- work the equipment crew at competitions/assessments
- call/text volunteers to make sure they can work their shifts
- measure students for uniforms
- hem/let out/sew uniforms
- pass out/collect uniforms
- supervise students at car washes
- supervise students at coin drops
- decorate for events
- plan events
- chaperone trips
- plan alumni events
- write grants
- shop for concession stand supplies
- load concession stand before home games
- organize concession workers
- wrap hot dogs/hamburgers at home games
- take orders in concessions at home games
- prep orders in concessions at home games
- run concessions at JV home games
- pass out fundraising orders
- take video from top of press box during halftime show
- supervise food/drinks/snacks lines to ensure everyone gets fed at Booster-provided meals
Who has to come to a meeting?
Every adult (21 years or older) that plans to work with the students or on behalf of a student in the program one time or every time. New parents, old parents, district employees, EVERYONE! This is a requirement straight down from our administration.
Remember that concession fee waiver!
We will completely waive the $50 2022-23 Concession Fee on your student’s account after one of their adults signs up, shows up, clocks in, & works concessions at ONE (1) home football game. Every person that plans to work a concession shift must attend one of these meetings!
Why on earth do I have to be ‘trained’ to volunteer?!
It isn’t rocket science, but it is confusing and complicated enough to make training sessions well worth the time. We want you to be fully aware of our policies, procedures, and expectations before you’re schlepping water bottles or seat cushions up and down stadium stairs, loading instruments and equipment into a rental truck, or selling boiled peanuts and nachos to hungry football crowds.
We will discuss the following:
- how to sign up to volunteer
- where to report
- where to park
- what to wear
- how to clock in
- behavior (students AND volunteers)
- what to expect in a normal night
- “In case of emergency” instructions
Also, paperwork!
Please bring a pen so that you can fill out the Escambia County School District’s Volunteer Application and Affidavit of Good Moral Character.
Please do not take this home to turn in later – we have a large number of volunteers and I need to get these forms turned in to our administration before school begins so they can run backgrounds on everyone in a timely manner. We are NOT notified when someone turns in a volunteer form to the front office that says they are interested in band, and we can only accept district-approved volunteers. The only way for us to know who has filled out the form is for you to turn it in at the meeting or turn it into the Dropbox in the band room.
Do I have to come to all 3 meetings?
Nope, just one.
When are the meetings?
- Tuesday, July 12 @ 6pm. Please sign up for this meeting here: https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/volunteerR.asp?s=BTWashHSB&v=5547143
- Thursday, July 14 @ 6pm. Please sign up for this meeting here: https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/volunteerR.asp?s=BTWashHSB&v=5547145
- Saturday, July 16 @ 11am. Please sign up for this meeting here: https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/volunteerR.asp?s=BTWashHSB&v=5547147
“How to Charms” sessions afterward!
Each meeting should last 45-60 minutes. Afterward I will do a quick session on how to use Charms: how to log in, how to update contact info, how to make a payment, etc. If you’d like to stay for that quick session, please make sure to have an internet-capable device with you.