We are going to Atlanta, GA for the band trip this upcoming school year!
As of today (Aug. 1) we plan to leave the bandroom around 5am on Friday, 3/22 and return to campus the evening of 3/24. This can (and probably will) change!
Any student that does not owe outstanding fees from previous years is eligible to sign up! Students must remain academically eligible throughout the school year. Students must comport themselves properly inside and out of school; referrals, suspensions, arrests, etc. can result in being removed from the trip.
Any band volunteer that attended the volunteer training, filled out the ESCD volunteer application, passed the background check, and volunteered with us at football games is eligible to sign up.
In order to get on the trip roster, students and chaperones must:
- Complete the online registration form (link available at preliminary trip meeting 8/24)
- Complete a trip contract, sign in front of a notary, and turn in to the band office.
- Pay the $125 deposit in cash or money order via the drop box in the band room.
We have a limited number of seats – our current quote is for one charter bus so our capacity is 54 people. We will fill these spots on a first-come, first served basis. Complete all three steps to save your spot!
What you need to know before you sign up!
We have a very specific set of guidelines that has made BTWHS band trips successful for over a decade. This requires a serious level of commitment from both students and parents.
Once you complete all three steps to get on the trip roster, you are responsible to pay the full trip amount whether you/your student travel on the trip or not, regardless of reason.** This applies to students and chaperones. We sign a contract with our travel company after you sign your contract with us. The boosters are then in a contract for a certain number of travelers and must pay that amount regardless of the number of people that actually board the bus on 3/22.
Students must remain academically eligible in order to remain active in our organization; this includes going on band trips. If your student’s GPA dips below 2.0 they will not be allowed to travel. You will still have to pay the full amount of the contract.**
Students must maintain good behavior in and out of school. Referrals, suspension, and explusion are all grounds to remove students from the trip roster. Likewise with behavior outside of school; fighting, drug/alcohol use, shoplifting, arrests, etc. are all grounds to remove students (and chaperones!) from the trip. This decision is left to the discretion of Mr. Young. You will still have to pay the full amount of the contract.**
Once we fill all the available spots, any additional students or chaperones that want to travel with us can be put on a wait list. They will be added to the wait list in the order they submit their registration/contract. Folks on the wait list can buy a spot from folks on the trip roster that find themselves unable to travel.
If you are on the trip roster and find yourself unable to travel, ask an instructor about the wait list. If there is a student/chaperone on the wait list that can buy your spot, instructors will connect you with them and provide a statement of what you’re paid on the trip thus far. It is up to YOU to make all arrangements to sell them your spot and update instructors!
- Ask the wait list person to pay you (directly to YOU, not through the band) the amount you have already paid. (That’s what the statement is for.)
- Once they pay you, both you and the wait list people should contact instructors.
- Instructors will return your contract to you and move the trip and any payments made thus far from your account to the wait list person’s account. At this point, you are no longer under contract for the trip.
- The wait list person will be considered under contract at this point and must continue making payments.
We understand that this is a big commitment and we encourage you to have a serious discussion with your student and check your calendar thoroughly before signing up.
The money part
The cost of a student (4 per room) trip to Atlanta is $620.
The cost of a chaperone (2 per hotel room) trip to Atlanta is $620. Any chaperone that wants a private room should request that early and know that it will cost more. That price is currently TBA.
Deposit: $125
Every student and chaperone must pay a $125 deposit as part of the process to get on the trip roster. This initial payment must be paid with cash or money order. Future payments can be made with cash/money order, PayPal through Charms, or CashApp. Here is the suggested payment plan:
- Aug $125 (deposit)
- Sep $100
- Oct $100
- Nov $ 50 *holidays are hard on the pocketbook!
- Dec $ 50 *holidays are hard on the pocketbook!
- Jan $100
- Feb $ 95
Preliminary Trip Meeting 8/24/23 @ 6pm in the band room
Are you still interested? Add this meeting to your calendar now!
We will be on hand to go over all the information above, talk about potential itineraries, answer all your questions, address concerns, and generally try to be as helpful as possible. If you and your student decide this is what you want to do, you’ll have access to the link to register for the trip, a contract to fill out/sign/return, and deposit envelopes to make your cash/money order deposit. Following those steps will secure your spot on the trip!
If you do sign up for the trip, please add the final trip meeting to your schedule now, as well: Tuesday, March 12 @ 6pm, also in the bandroom. This meeting is required of all students that will travel with us. Each student is required to be accompanied by a legal guardian. All adults should bring a photo ID and a pen as there will be paperwork that must be filled out and notarized. By this meeting we will have the finalized room list, chaperones will be assigned to students, the itinerary will be finalized, and we will know the name of the hotel where we will be staying.
Band Parent Chat
If you have questions in the meantime I’d recommend asking in the band parent GroupMe chat – there are plenty of folks there that sent their kids on trips with us, and even some that chaperoned. They can give you the scoop on their experience! If you’re not already a member, here’s a link to join: https://groupme.com/join_group/86606090/oYAwnJ7o