Current BTWHS band members & family, please read your email for info about what we expect from our wind and percussion students regarding concert black this year.

- Button down, collared, solid black dress shirt
- Solid black dress pants
- solid tall black socks
- Solid black tie or bow tie
- Solid black dress shoes or clean marching shoes

Wind ensemble ladies, we will NOT be using the school-owned concert dresses this year so you will need to provide your own.
- This is a little more complicated, naturally…please choose between
- Solid black floor/ankle-length dress
- Solid black floor/ankle-length skirt and solid black dress blouse
- Solid black dress pants and solid black dress blouse
- Solid black dress shoes – the less heel the better as we do a lot more moving about in concert black than you might expect, and sometimes really, really fast.
- Young ladies in Wind Ensemble will NOT be fitted for concert dresses this year. They must provide their own concert black.
- Young ladies that play percussion or any of the bass/contra clarinets are encouraged to wear dress pants/slacks to make their performance more comfortable.