Now is the time to prepare your bodies and minds for an amazing marching season!
We start Thursday!
…but that’s the first day of school?! Yep! You had the summer off, now it’s time to get to work!
What you need to bring to school Thursday:
- your instrument/equipment – everything you need for a successful rehearsal
- your music, with a pencil
- your insulated, refillable water jug
- a change of clothes for practice: light/bright colors, breathable, athletic clothing, including athletic shoes
- maybe an extra stick of deodorant – this is sweaty work
Where you’ll put all that:
- flutes/clarinets will be stored in band lockers, larger instruments will be stored in the instrument room, flags will be stored in the guard room
- your music, water jug, and practice clothes (and deodorant!) will be stored in your band locker
Wait…what band locker?
I sent a huge email Sunday about band lockers – please check this post on our website if you need a refresher: If you do not fill out the online form by noon Tuesday I will partner you up randomly. I will finish the locker assignments Wednesday morning and will email the list out that afternoon. I will post a paper copy of the list on the bandroom hall doors the first morning of school.
Want a lock? See me in the band office and I’ll hook you up.
What if it rains?
We have plenty that we can do inside, so unless the school district officially cancels “all after-school activities” we are still rehearsing.
If a band rehearsal is cancelled we will contact all students and parents via email and text message, We will let you know as soon as we get the official word, so it may be very short notice, but sometimes the district doesn’t make an official decision until 3:05. Please, PLEASE make sure that student’s correct cell number is listed in the student’s contact info and parent/guardian’s correct cell number is listed on their contact info.
When we say ‘rehearsal starts at 3:30’
That means that students should be where their rehearsal begins, fully dressed out, water jug filled, instrument/equipment in hand, ready to go.
Students have 20 minutes from the final bell to the start of rehearsal. That is more than enough time to change, snack, fill their water, get their instrument/equipment, music, and check the board to see where they are expected to be at 3:30. Students that are not where they are supposed to be at 3:30 will be marked tardy in charms, will see a hit on their class grade, and may be subject to laps, marching yards, wall sits, etc. at the end of rehearsal.
We know students and parents expect rehearsals to end on time, and we think it’s only fair to insist that we also begin on time. Please do your part to help us be GREAT!
Students MAY NOT leave campus on rehearsal days
Students are not allowed to leave campus between the last bell and the start of rehearsal. That means walking, driving, teleporting, etc. Nobody is to run over to McDonald’s or Tom Thumb or Sam’s for a snack. If that student is in an accident while they are supposed to be under band director supervision, the band directors are blamed.
BRAT form
If you know your student is going to be absent or tardy from a rehearsal or performance, please fill out this online form: We use the info from this form to track excused absences/tardies. Please understand that filling out this form does not guarantee an absence will be excused.
First week rehearsal schedule:
Thursday: 3:30-6:30
Friday: 3:30-6:30
Saturday: 8am-5pm **boosters will provide lunch!
Yep, that’s a Saturday rehearsal! We used to do two weeks of camp the last 2 weeks of summer but changed it from a 2 week camp to 3 intense days after school starts. Please be ready to rock and roll Saturday morning!
Marching season rehearsal schedule:
*Monday: color guard only rehearsal 3:30-5:00
Tuesday: 3:30-6:00 – full marching band
*Wednesday: sectionals 3:15-3:50pm
Thursday: 3:30-6:00 – full marching band
All rehearsals are listed on both our Google and Charms calendars. Please use those as a resource to be aware of rehearsal schedules.
Sectional info
Section leaders must schedule a sectional 2 weeks in advance before students can be required to attend. I will add all approved sectionals to the Google Calendar and Charms calendar, and schedule email and text message reminders to affected students/guardians.
Water jug
Please, please make sure your student has an insulated, refillable water jug. This heat can be dangerous, and we want to make sure the kids stay hydrated without sacrificing half the rehearsal time for students to refill disposable plastic water bottles that heat up in between water breaks. It doesn’t have to be fancy, expensive, or even pretty. It just has to hold water, keep it cool, and feature their name on it somewhere.
We provide coolers of ice water for students to refill their water jugs, but do not provide cups or plastic bottles.
If you need help providing a water jug for your student please reach out to me at
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
The band parent GroupMe is an awesome place to ask questions – it’s full of new parents and returning parents that can help you out! If you aren’t already a member you can join with this link:
You can email directors and staff here:
Mr. Michael Young:
Mr. Jackson VanMatre:
Mrs. Jennifer Smith:
Ms. Brittney Britt:
Ms. Melissa Majors-Young:
We’re all excited about this season and are ready to get started!